Monday, July 29, 2013

A mural was destroyed in the Ukraine.

This article was sent to me by my friend Sue Hanna.

A painting has been destroyed in the Ukraine... The headline reads "Ukrainian Museum Director Destroys Critical Painting Ahead Of President's Visit". The director,  Natalia Zabolotna, apparently found the painting "Immoral... against the motherland..." and threw black paint on it.  The artist Volodymyr Kuznetsov came to work on the mural and was not allowed in.  I am so sad.. no angry about this. Nobody should destroy another person's work. I do not know what I would do if my work was vandalized. Apparently other works that were in the show, which the director deemed "immoral" were also removed. 
Ukrainian artist Volodymyr Kuznetsov’s “Koliivschina: Judgment Day”

I know things like this have happened before; the destruction of artwork, but I just find it so disheartening. If you don't agree with the message don't destroy it, discuss it. Have a meeting of the minds. Don't act in anger and haste because you feel you are right. 

I suppose the only bright side that comes out of events like this, is that it draws attention to events like this. Maybe this will open discourse on the subject of the mural. 

I can't articulate my thoughts right now. What do you all think?

Monday, July 8, 2013

The Lovely Local Artist... I mean The Logo.

Hey everyone. I promise to put up another post really soon. But is it day 18 of my friend's Kickstarter and their first Update is about ME!!!!   (*Waves graciously*)

OK, OK. It is about the awesome logo I designed!  It took about a year, but after several tries and changes the logo looks beautiful.  But I suppose that is what commissioned advertising work is about. I wanted to get it just right for the guys, so it took some time.

Design #1:  I was happy with this, but the guys wanted more detail.. and color... Some people just don't understand minimalism.

Design... A far number away from one:  This is the latest version. I still prefer #1. :-)
Did I mention, if you back the project you can get items with my awesome logo on it?  (*SMILES BIGGEST SMILE EVER*) Hint... Hint...

I am sure there will be even more changes in the future, but I am so happy that I got to be a small part of this project.

Check out the update!