Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Maybe I am meant to do this.

It has been a while. I am sorry for that. But I just saw this beautiful video on Devour: Ceramic's Masters. Now, these men are masters of their art. They are skilled and make beautiful work. I can only hope to one day posses a fraction of the skill that they have.

What caught my eye was Devour's description of the video: "This isn't Color Me Mine. Watching these ceramics masters creating beautiful pottery will make you have some serious art envy."

One day, far from now, I will go into my complicated feelings about Color Me Mine, but not today. What got to me was the " ...will make you have some serious  art envy.".  The thing is, I didn't feel envy. My first thought was. "I need to go to the studio and try that technique!" These masters are all using techniques I learned or at least tried. I got excited. I got the I CAN do that! feeling.

I'm not discouraged by their skill. I know I could never reach that level, at first, if at all. But that did not come to mind at first. My first thoughts were I NEED to get to the studio. I NEED to try that! I WANT to try that. If I don't go to the studio now I will explode! I am so Happy right now.

Maybe I am supposed to be doing this. Working with clay, making art. It is nice to have that feeling.

**Update: Thanks for the heads up about the typo in my title. I fixed it in the post, but when I share the post on other sites the typo stays. Not sure how to fix that. Any ideas?